
Eric Bell, Baxtel.com: Creating a data centre community

In this weeks episode I am joined by Eric Bell, CEO and Founder of data center information platform Baxtel.com. Eric has created a data center community platform that provides insight and information to the data centre sector.

We discuss how Eric started his career in the sector and why he decided to establish Baxtel. Eric outlines how he took the concept from an idea to a reality.

We then discuss a number of trends within the sector and how Baxtel.com can help customers make a more educated decision. Eric gives an insight into the trends he is currently seeing in the sector and how these trends will impact the long term growth. We also touch on which geographies are seeing the investment and why demand is moving away from the standard tier one regions.

Eric is very passionate about data centres and he has created an amazing platform. This episode gives an excellent insight into the data centre sector.

Make sure you check out Baxtel.com – https://baxtel.com/

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