With a vision to be the most trusted recruitment business in our sectors, our mission looks at how we will achieve that. It is simple- by being obsessed with providing the best customer service.
We embrace the fact that everyone is an individual and understand that we are all on our own path to find a career or role that meets our personal needs or are looking for the ideal candidate to help us achieve our company or personal goals. Our consultants ensure they get to know you and every detail of your personal mission to ensure we create a solution for you as an individual.
We are so serious about customer experience that we ask our candidates and clients to evaluate our service throughout their journey with us. Our consultants review their feedback scores every week and we consistently recognise and reward people who demonstrate exceptional service. This can be anyone in any area of the business as we are all continually looking at our customer journeys and how to improve them.
Our current scores are:
Candidates: 91/100
Clients: 93/100
We ask candidates to score us on how well we supported them throughout the process, for example how well we articulated the company background & culture, explained the interview process, and if we provided enough feedback – this is an important one as there is nothing more annoying than not hearing back after you have applied for a job!
Then, we ask clients questions such as how well we understood their business, how well the candidate matches their culture etc.
We are always positively discontent with these scores and always look to learn, listen and improve our service in order to build trusting long-term relationships.
If you ever want to know what score your personal consultant has they will be very happy to tell you, please just ask.