
Rhonda Ascierto, VP Research Uptime Institute: Data Center Career Pathfinder

In this episode I am joined by Rhonda Ascierto, VP Research at Uptime Institute. We take a detailed look at the recently launched https://datacenterpathfinder.com/ and discuss why it is so important to the data centre sector.

Firstly we discuss how Rhonda started her career and how she made the transition to the data centre sector. We also touch on diversity and how important it is that we continue to focus on attracting a diverse workforce.

Then we discuss the Data Center Career Pathfinder. Rhonda outlines exactly what the career pathfinder is, how the idea came about, why the partners were so keen to be involved, the importance of collaboration, and what needs to happen going forward to ensure everyone is aware of the career pathfinder.

Rhonda shares some great advice on how we can improve our talent attraction strategies to ensure we attract a diverse workforce to the world of data centres.

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