
Matt Gurr – How a pocket dial from a friend resulted in a career in data centers in Australia

On this episode I am joined by Matt Gurr, Industry Leader Data Centers for Aurecon.

Matt started his career in the UK working for the MOD and a pocket dial from a friend resulted in a career changing move to Australia.

Matt is now based in Sydney and he leads the data center division for Aurecon who are a leading consultancy in data centre design. We discuss how Matt started his career within the MOD and how this initial training has helped his career, how he first made the move to Australia and in to the data center sector, how he feels the industry is adapting as it rapidly expands, people centric design of data centers, and what advice he would give to people looking to work in the sector.

Matt gives a great insight into the data center sector and he has some great ideas on how to attract new talent to the industry.

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